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Modern Office


Our members collaborate leveraging insights and intelligence from the Alliance to unearth specific market opportunities, address critical challenges, and unlock new sources of value.

Free Resources

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Partner Shutdown Scenarios

Our Banking-as-a-Service Center of Excellence prepared a set of scenarios financial institutions should be prepared for if a program needs to be unwound. This first set of wind down scenarios are for a hard shutdown, either because the startup is out of money, or the bank has chosen to terminate the program.   Download here.

Executive Briefings

3Q24: A new playbook for the Next Era of Banking

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Our Executive Briefings provide an authoritative, 360-degree perspective on the key trends, innovations, and strategic imperatives defining success over the next 12-24 months.

Drawing on proprietary data and insights from the Alloy Labs ecosystem of leading banks, partners, and portfolio companies, this briefing offers a uniquely valuable window into the Next Era of Banking.

New Developments

A Guide

Banks can now – from scratch – build internal teams that develop, deploy, and manage automation bots to help save time, money, and resources. New Developments is a non-technical roadmap to help you craft an effective, internal RPA program. 

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Contract Negotations

The Three Pillars

Written with expertise and input from Cornerstone Advisors, Alloy Labs Alliance members have exclusive access to this guide, which details how to navigate the “three pillars” of negotiations in order to achieve the best outcomes for your bank.

Third Party Due Diligence

The Definitive Guide

Members of the Alloy Labs Alliance, in partnership with leading consulting firm Crowe, LLP proudly announce the publication of their second iteration aimed to make third-party due diligence more approachable, actionable, and realistic. This initiative ties real world experiences, organizational strategies, and risk appetites to build and maintain effective, compliant partnerships between banks, fintechs, and other third parties. 

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TPD Definitive Guide
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Legacy Keepers

A Case Study

How western Iowa-based American State Bank became a modern, cross-generational institution. This case study covers how the bank is using a new "wealth and wisdom" platform to deepen relationships with existing customers, keep deposits at the bank, and protect family legacies. 

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Becoming Better Trusted Advisors

Product Development (co)Lab

Initial findings from our Customer Discovery (co)Lab sessions with members to understand needs and pain points from customer and bank perspectives in providing financial coaching to customers. Work has now moved to a live pilot with a fintech partner. Contact us to learn about how to get involved.

Third Party Due Diligence 

Executive Summary and Minimum Acceptable Maturity Model 

Members of the Alloy Labs Alliance, along with leading consulting firm Crowe, announce a guide to standardize third-party due diligence to build and maintain effective, compliant partnerships between banks and fintechs and other third parties.

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Roles & Responsibilities Playbook

Members of Alloy Labs, in partnership with leading technology providers, have released new industry standards for Roles and Responsibilities in Banking as a Service partnerships.


The New Nomenclature Behind the Baas Partnership Boom

Alloy Labs members have published the first of its industry insights designed to standardize the non-competitive aspects of banking-as-a-service. It defines the terms and roles that are commonly — but often incorrectly — used in the market, and makes an argument for the importance of having a shared industry vocabulary.

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API Security Questionnaire

Alloy Labs members collaborated to identify key focus points for API security to enable fintech partnerships and meet the needs for data portability in the face of rising cyber attacks.


Special Report - Leading Through Story:
What Every Bank Needs to Know about Narrative and Influence

Hundreds of bank websites house a page labeled “Our Story”, but only a fraction of those pages actually tell a story. A well told story gives its teller the ability to rally employees, inspire confidence in stakeholders, and win customers. This report will show you how.

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Special Report: Why Women Innovate

A significant body of research supports the idea that there’s a correlation between women leaders and innovation. We interviewed the women leading some of the nation's most innovative banks. Those discussions revealed three major areas where women’s experiences differ significantly from their male counterparts in ways that spur innovation.

Automation & AI

Conversational AI Checklist

Conversational chatbots are the most common use case for AI in banking today. This checklist and vendor review is intended to help bankers compare the capabilities of AI-based chatbots and begin to consider some of the deeper implications of AI.


Special Report - A Tale of Two Approaches: How Financial Brands Market to Small Business.

We break banks’ strategies for marketing to
SMBs down into two categories: people-led and
product-led. Geographically focused community
banks tend to focus on the former, while digital-first
brands focus on the latter.

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